Monday 8 July 2013

RER-It's humanity, stupid!

It's humanity, stupid. Superficial differences, deeper repercussions: the three greatest vices of humanity have been RER-‎#religion‎#ethnicityand ‎#racism (no particular order intended). For generations, the trinity have-subtly or in the open-brought the biggest tragedies to the human species, and they continue to haunt us to this day. Think, humans, think harder! Our fate as a thriving colony in the Universe depends solely on how we reason and work things out logically.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

The who-what-when-where-how problem

This might look like a taken-for-granted idea, and I have to admit myself that it's very silly in itself. But here is my realisation of the day:

If everyone knew clearly who to speak to, what to ask, when, where, and how, nearly all-if not all-artificial, human problems would be solved overnight.

And because most (I would say nearly all) world problems today are results of human ignorance, greed, arrogance, hypocrisy and all sorts of primitive garbage, how much of these problems we could have avoided, you do the math.